Future is Behind
Future is Behind
Future is Behind
Future is Behind
Future is Behind
Future is Behind

Future is Behind

shoes, poro-elastic material, size of the visitor

After a thorough examination of possible perceptions of time, Nuyten developed shoes with a sole that is placed backwards, in close collaboration with master shoemaker Nils Kalf. With Future is Behind, Nuyten proposes to perceive the past as in front of us and the future behind; when talking about tomorrow, one will have to make a hand-gesture to their back.

There are three versions of this work: one is based on the iconic New Balance 547, another on Michael Jackson’s Moonwalk loafers and a third on the classic lace-up shoe. The shoes were worn by a visitor during Upstream Gallery’s opening of their new space. Afterwards Future is Behind has been shown at several venues including Shoe or No Shoe CollectionMeijer’s shoe shop, and shoemaker Nils Kalf.

Courtesy: Upstream Gallery Amsterdam, in memory of Nils Kalf 

Photo: Gert-Jan van Rooij

Text: Marian Cousijn